EQT, EQT, SE0012853455 - Nasdaq


Linden Advisors minskar på nytt blankningen i budaktuella

EQT, Backsell and Eldered have expressed their firm belief that Recipharm would benefit from operating as a private company in the coming years to help drive its investments in the sector and due to increased competitiveness in the industry. Recipharm’s shareholders will offer certain of their shares to EQT following completion of the offer. Lars Backsell, styrelseordförande i Recipharm, och Thomas Eldered, vd och styrelseledamot i Recipharm, vilka är indirekta aktieägare i Recipharm, deltar i erbjudandet tillsammans med EQT IX. Roar Bidco har därmed säkerställt ett ägande om cirka 25,7 procent av aktierna och 74,3 procent av rösterna i Recipharm. In December 2020, EQT IX, through Roar BidCo AB, announced a public offer of SEK 220 in cash per share to the shareholders of Recipharm AB and SEK 1,427,010 in cash per Convertible Bond. The class B shares in Recipharm are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Mid Cap. EQT wants to support Recipharm’s continued development, which will require significant and long-term investments.” EQT offers to acquire Swedish CDMO Recipharm for $2.8bn Recipharm’s board of directors has appointed Carnegie Investment Bank as financial advisor, while its legal advisor is Vinge for the company in connection with the takeover proposal. Men enligt EQT kommer budet inte att höjas ytterligare. ”Sedan offentliggörandet av vårt ursprungliga erbjudande den 14 december 2020 har vi haft en konstruktiv dialog med den oberoende styrelsen i Recipharm och de större institutionella aktieägarna i Bolaget”, skriver EQT som lägger budet tillsammans med grundarna Lars Backsell (styrelseordförande) och Thomas Eldered (vd).

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EQT meddelar den 15 februari att de  (Ärende M.10004 - EQT/Zentricity/Cajelo/Recipharm). Ärendet Recipharm AB (Recipharm, Sverige). E-post: COMP-MERGER-REGISTRY@ec.europa.eu. Den 14 december 2020 offentliggjorde EQT IX1 ("EQT IX"), genom offentliggör slutligt utfall i erbjudandet till aktieägarna i Recipharm AB  i Hembla AB · Offer to the shareholders in Hembla AB. EQT. Invitation to acquire shares in EQT AB (publ) · Inbjudan till förvärv av aktier i EQT AB (publ)  E-post: recipharm@lucid-is.com. Informationen i detta pressmeddelande lämnades för offentliggörande av Roar BidCo (kontaktdetaljer till EQT  Linden Advisors har minskat sin blankning i läkemedelsbolaget Recipharm från 1,06 Totalt är nu 1,54 procent blankat i Recipharm, som EQT lagt ett bud på. Relais Group Oyj: Strategically important acquisition to boost growth and online  Affär EQT, genom Roar Bidco, kontrollerar nu cirka 95,1 procent av aktierna och cirka 98,3 procent av rösterna i kontraktstillverkaren  EQT IX har, genom Roar BidCo, offentliggjort ett offentligt uppköpserbjudande om 220 kronor kontant per aktie till aktieägarna i Recipharm,  Riskkapitalbolaget EQT höjer budet på Recipharm från 220 till 232 kronor per aktie. Finwire.

AK&M 15 December 2020 12:32 Buyout group EQT announced December 15 a cash offer for Recipharm valuing the company at 23.6 billion Swedish crowns ($2.80 billion), as it was informed by EQT. Swedish private equity firm EQT declared its offer for pharmaceutical development and manufacturing company Recipharm unconditional. EQT IX, through Roar BidCo, made an original bid for Recipharm in December that valued the company at 23.64 billion Swedish kronor ($2.85bn), but raised the bid to SEK24.93 billion last month. At the end of the EQT offers to acquire Swedish CDMO Recipharm for $2.8bn Recipharm’s board of directors has appointed Carnegie Investment Bank as financial advisor, while its legal advisor is Vinge for the company in connection with the takeover proposal.

Förhandsanmälan av en koncentration Ärende M.10004

2 Mar 2021 (EQT) Cookies on the eqt website Our website uses cookies to improve Roar BidCo offentliggör slutligt utfall i erbjudandet till aktieägarna i Recipharm AB Francisco Partners acquires Consignor Group for NOK 1.5 Bill 29 Mar 2021 The takeover of Recipharm by EQT, a global investment organisation with a “ passion for future-proofing companies”; Focus on operational  16 Nov 2020 STOCKHOLM--Swedish private-equity firm EQT AB said Monday that it has The EQT IX fund has acquired the stake from TA Associates and EQT : Fitch Assigns EQT-Acquired Recipharm B(EXP) Ratings; Outlook Positive. 25 Nov 2019 Now, Recipharm is making a big move, putting together a £505m ($652m) deal to acquire Consort, a UK-based contract development and  portfolio company of EQT Partners for €1.9bn and (2) the buyout of Nemera, Recipharm's €56m acquisition of Sanofi's UK-based CMO business, which  14 Dec 2020 Stockholm headquartered private equity group EQT AB will buy Swedish pharma company Recipharm AB for $2.1 billion, according to  Latest EQT AB (EQT:STO) share price with interactive charts, historical prices, in Recipharm AB (publ) and Holders of Convertible Bonds February 10, 2021  Riskkapitalbolaget EQT höjer budet på Recipharm från 220 till 232 kronor per aktie.

Recipharm acquired by eqt

Recipharm: EQT begär tvångsinlösen av resterande aktier

Recipharm acquired by eqt

Stockholm headquartered private equity group EQT AB will buy Swedish pharma company Recipharm AB for $2.1 billion, according to company's press release.

Recipharm acquired by eqt

03/01: EQT : Roar BidCo announces final outcome in the offer to the shareholders in Recipharm AB (publ) and Holders of Convertible Bonds On 14 December 2020, EQT IX1 , through Roar BidCo AB2 , announced a public offer to the shareholders and holders of the Senior Unsecured Convertible Bonds in Recipharm AB to tender all | April 8, 2021 2020-12-14 · Private equity firm EQT AB agreed to buy Swedish pharmaceuticals company Recipharm AB for $2.1 billion, marking the latest in a wave of drug industry acquisitions. Buyout group EQT on Monday announced a cash offer for Swedish contract pharmaceutical maker Recipharm, valuing the company at 23.6 billion Swedish crowns ($2.80 billion). EQT makes $2.8 billion Recipharm employs more than 9,000 employees in Europe, the US and India.
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”Sedan offentliggörandet av vårt ursprungliga erbjudande den 14 december 2020 har vi haft en konstruktiv dialog med den 2021-03-17 · Recipharm is a leading European contract development manufacturing organisation (CDMO), acquired by EQT and founding shareholders via the acquisition vehicle Roar BidCo AB earlier this year. The assignment of the final ratings is contingent upon receipt of final documentation conforming to information already received. One of the world’s largest pharmaceutical contract and manufacturing businesses has received a bid to be acquired by Swedish private equity company EQT Partners. The deadline for accepting the offer of USD 2.1 billion, made via Roar Bidco, falls on or around 12 February 2021.

The class B shares in Recipharm are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Mid Cap. EQT wants to support Recipharm’s continued development, which will require significant and long-term investments.” EQT offers to acquire Swedish CDMO Recipharm for $2.8bn Recipharm’s board of directors has appointed Carnegie Investment Bank as financial advisor, while its legal advisor is Vinge for the company in connection with the takeover proposal.
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Linden Advisors minskar på nytt blankningen i budaktuella

EQT makes $2.8 billion Recipharm employs more than 9,000 employees in Europe, the US and India. EQT acquired Recipharm in February 2021 through a public takeover offer together with the two founders of the company, Thomas Eldered and Lars Backsell.

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EQT vill köpa Recipharm - Sydsvenskan

EQT wants to support Recipharm’s continued development, which will require significant and long-term investments.” Stockholm headquartered private equity group EQT AB will buy Swedish pharma company Recipharm AB for $2.1 billion, according to company's press release.. The transaction will be routed through On 14 December 2020, EQT IX[1 ]("EQT IX"), through Roar BidCo AB[2][ ]("Roar BidCo"), announced a public offer to the shareholders and holders of the Senior Unsecured Convertible Bonds (the "Convertible Bonds") ("Holders of Convertible Bonds") in Recipharm AB (publ) ("Recipharm" or the "Company") to tender all their shares[3] and Convertible Bonds to Roar BidCo for SEK 220 in cash per share Recipharm and Consort Medical have reached an agreement on the terms of a recommended cash offer by Recipharm Holdings Limited, a wholly-owned direct subsidiary of Recipharm, for Consort.

EQT pressmeddelande - Analysguiden Aktiespararna

Men enligt EQT kommer budet inte att höjas ytterligare. ”Sedan offentliggörandet av vårt ursprungliga erbjudande den 14 december 2020 har vi haft en konstruktiv dialog med den oberoende styrelsen i Recipharm och de större institutionella aktieägarna i Bolaget”, skriver EQT som lägger budet tillsammans med grundarna Lars Backsell (styrelseordförande) och Thomas Eldered (vd).

EQT IX, through Roar BidCo, announced a public offer of SEK220 in cash per share to the shareholders of Recipharm and SEK1,427,010 in cash per convertible bond. EQT : Roar BidCo EQT : Closes Offer Period for Recipharm Acquisition With Over 95% Stake: MT. More news: Financials . Sales 2020: 11 124 M 1 302 M 1 302 M: Net Private Equity EQT Offers To Acquire Swedish Pharma Recipharm For $2.1B