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impulsion. Synonymes de inhibition. Il y a 2 antonymes de inhibition. Dictionnaire des antonymes. Antonyme définition.

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Inhibition - Swedish translation, definition, meaning, synonyms, pronunciation, transcription, antonyms, examples. English - Swedish Translator. Inhibited - Swedish translation, definition, meaning, synonyms, pronunciation, transcription, antonyms, examples. English - Swedish Translator. Also found in: Thesaurus.

Safety issues inhibited my movements throughout the field observa- tions and  Synonyms explanation is given below : Inhibit, inhiberar, förhindra, hindra, förhindra,,, The visitors of the zoological park were inhibited from feeding the  Antonio. antonym. antracit.

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Activator, continuation, aid. Full list of antonyms for Inhibitor is here. Antonyms for feedback inhibition.

Inhibition antonym

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Inhibition antonym

Also you can find some other opposite words using the online search on our website.

Inhibition antonym

en begäran om återvinning och inhibition och samma dag lades ett. s. k. förenklat "få del av beslutet" ses som antonym till "få hela beslutet".
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Vi hittade 6 definitioner av inhibition. synonym = antonym = relaterat ord  Translation of the word control from english to swedish, with synonyms, antonyms, verb conjugation, pronunciation, anagrams, examples of use. Translation of competitive to Swedish in English-Swedish dictionary, with synonyms, definitions, pronunciation, example of usage and more.

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Find 28 ways to say INHIBITION, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Near Antonyms for inhibition. self-abandonment, uninhibitedness. unrestrainedness.

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Antonyms for inhibited include uninhibited, free, natural, outgoing, relaxed, aggressive, bold, extrovert, extroverted and forward. Find more opposite words at Here's a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Contexts.

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