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<p>Mästerligt genomförda bilder som berör</p> – Kuriren

Cooper & Gorfer consists of the two artists Sarah Cooper (USA, 1974) and Nina Gorfer (Austria, 1979). They live and work in Sarah Cooper är en klassiskt skolad fotograf och Nina Gorfer har studerat arkitektur under Zaha Hadid. Utgångspunkten för deras samarbete är en gemensam fascination inför bildberättande och narrativa strukturer, vilket resulterat i ett visuellt uttryck som formats av deras respektive bakgrunder. Cooper, Sarah (ed.), Gorfer, Nina (ed.), Cooper, Sarah (photographs), Gorfer, Nina (photographs) Illustrationer 1 Illustrations, unspecified Dimensioner 320 x 246 x 36 mm Vikt 2186 g ISBN 9783868287783 12.1k Followers, 410 Following, 976 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Cooper&Gorfer (@coopergorfer) Sarah Cooper and Nina Gorfer take an unusual approach to their topic by telling its story visually. The curators of the third Nordic Fashion Biennale present the work of both young and established West Nordic designers in a striking collection of photography that they shot on-location throughout Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and Greenland. Cooper & Gorfer, Göteborg, Sweden. 4 396 gillar · 4 pratar om detta.

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Between These Folded Walls, Utopia. I Know Not These My Hands. Delirium. Interruptions. The Weather Diaries. My Quiet of Gold. Latent Now. Exhibitions Films Shop Contact Open Menu Close Menu.

They live and work in Gothenburg, Sweden and Berlin, Germany. 22 Mar 2013 The duo consists of Sarah Cooper and Nina Gorfer.

In a house of snow - Sarah Cooper och Nina Gorfer/SEEK

SEEK Volume 02 / Kyrgyzstan - Gestalten, 2011 - 344 pp. - Cloth binding - 32 x 24 cm.

Sarah cooper nina gorfer

Konst Cooper & Gorfer Elin Lannsjö

Sarah cooper nina gorfer


Sarah cooper nina gorfer

Till skillnad från den diskret förbipasserande fotografen som väntar på det avgörande ögonblicket, så regisserar Cooper och Gorfer sina produktioner noggrant. Among the opening exhibitions, Fotografiska will showcase the work of the critically acclaimed, award-winning artistic duo Sarah Cooper and Nina Gorfer with a series of portraits collectively titled, Between These Folded Walls, Utopia. Hasselblad Heroines | Cooper & Gorfer Sarah Cooper and Nina Gorfer of Cooper & Gorfer (@coopergorfer) are #HasselbladHeroines.Their work focuses on the female aspects of cultural identity and explores issues of memory, migration, dislocation, and the malleability of identity. Sarah Cooper and Nina Gorfer take an unusual approach to their topic by telling its story visually. The curators of the third Nordic Fashion Biennale present the work of both young and established West Nordic designers in a striking collection of photography that they shot on-location throughout Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and Greenland.
Annas workshops

Cooper & Gorfer consists of the two artists Sarah Cooper (USA, 1974) and Nina Gorfer (Austria, 1979). They live and work in Hejsan Sarah Cooper och Nina Gorfer! Vilka är ni? Berätta för oss om ert spännande arbete.

Based on the stories and lives of the women they meet and collaborated with, Cooper & Gorfer explore issues of memory, migration, dislocation, and the malleability of identity.
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INTERRUPTIONS / Gaskkalduhttimat. -

Front and back cover present signs of shelf wear (please see photographs). Spine is slightly slanted. Otherwise in like new condition. From the publisher's website: "The artist duo Sarah Cooper and Nina Gorfer Sarah Cooper & Nina Gorfer.

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sid 20 Kamera & Bild

Framtagen 2010. Upplaga 1/4 + 2 AP. Archival pigment print monterad på dibond, 170  Cooper & Gorfer visar magiska porträtt på Marstrand Den amerikansk-österrikiska konstnärsduon Sarah Cooper och Nina Gorfer har jobbat  Music Midaircondo (Nordström/Rylander Löve) / Director Torbjörn Martin / Label Twin Seed Recordings / Art Direction Sarah Cooper, Nina Gorfer / Post  (USA, Sarah Cooper (USA, född 1974) and Nina Gorfer (Österrike, född Cooper & Gorfer, archival pigment print, signerad 202/375 a tergo. Göteborgsbaserade duon Cooper & Gorfer, som består av Sarah Cooper och Nina Gorfer, har valt att göra en bild i stort format, baserad på  Cooper & Gorfer är två konstnärer med en stor kärlek till fotografin, en duo Sarah Cooper är en klassiskt skolad fotograf och Nina Gorfer har  Bild - 20 Maj 2014.

Sarah Cooper Archives - Resemagasinet Buss

Cooper & Gorfer, vars samarbete  COOPER & GORFER Sarah Cooper (USA, 1974) och Nina Gorfer (Österrike, 1979). Shola and the Cat Archival pigment print, 100 x 80 cm. "Amanda and the painted people" av Cooper & Gorfer (2017). Födda: Sarah Cooper i Pittsburgh, USA 1974 och Nina Gorfer i Wien, Österrike  Det kommer bli en bild som uttrycker laginsatsen, säger Nina Gorfer.

Auf der Grundlage einer ausgedehnten Recherchereise in den Nordwesten Argentiniens untersuchen Cooper & Gorfer Fragen 17 Nov 2014 Interview with Sarah Cooper and Nina Gorfer at the opening day of their exhibition "The Weather Diaries" in The Black Diamond in  18 Jan 2019 COLLABORATION. Nina – what is so special about Sarah that you decided to work so closely with her?