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Husvinee SUNDARAMURTHI | Cited by 11 | of University College Dublin, Dublin (UCD) | Read 3 publications | Contact Husvinee SUNDARAMURTHI Loop is the open research network that increases the discoverability and impact of researchers and their work. Loop enables you to stay up-to-date with the latest discoveries and news, connect with researchers and form new collaborations. Affiliations. 1 UCD Conway Institute, University College Dublin,, Dublin, Ireland.
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Neurochemistry International 2012, 60 (8) , 827-836 By Manisha Mishra, Siu Kwan Sze, Jiang-Miao Hu, Zhi Wei Feng, Klaus Heese, Umamaheswari Ramachandran, Husvinee Sundaramurthi and Arulmani Manavalan Abstract Tianma (Gastrodia elata Blume) is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) often used for the treatment of headache, convulsions, hypertension and neurodegenerative diseases. Rebecca Ward · Husvinee Sundaramurthi · Valeria Di Giacomo · Breandán N. Kennedy · Breandán N. Kennedy Feeling Stress: The Mechanics of Cancer Progression and Aggression: Wolfgang M. Pernice · Theresa C. Swayne · Istvan R. Boldogh · Liza A. Pon · Liza A. Pon Tyrosine Kinase Signaling in Cancer Metabolism: PKM2 Paradox in the Warburg Husvinee Sundaramurthi.
Rebecca Ward · Husvinee Sundaramurthi · Valeria Di Giacomo · Breandán N. Kennedy · Breandán N. Kennedy Feeling Stress: The Mechanics of Cancer Progression and Aggression: Wolfgang M. Pernice · Theresa C. Swayne · Istvan R. Boldogh · Liza A. Pon · Liza A. Pon Tyrosine Kinase Signaling in Cancer Metabolism: PKM2 Paradox in the Warburg Husvinee Sundaramurthi: School of Biomolecular & Biomedical Science + 353 1 716 : Torres Sweeney: School of Veterinary Medicine + 353 1 716 6244: Cormac Taylor: School of Medicine + 353 1 716 6732: Matthias Wilm: Conway Institute of Biomolecular & Biomedical Research We thank the DBS Center for Bioimaging Sciences (CBIS) for support with confocal microscopy, Utz Fischer for providing the purified human SMN protein and for advice on the pre-adsorption experiments, Roman Carrasco for suggestions on statistical analyses and Husvinee Sundaramurthi for help with cryo-sectioning. Dr Husvinee Sundaramurthi, UCD School of Medicine, who has received an EPS Postdoctoral Award for a project entitled ‘Evaluating anti-neoplastic activity of HDAC6 inhibitors in uveal melanoma cells and in zebrafish patient-derived uveal melanoma xenograft models’ with enterprise partner, Breakthrough Cancer Research.
@article{Yin2012The1A, title={The 1D4 antibody labels outer segments of long double cone but not rod photoreceptors in zebrafish.}, author={J. Yin and J. Brocher and B. Linder and Anja Hirmer and Husvinee Sundaramurthi and U. Fischer and Christoph
Arulmani Manavalan1,2, Umamaheswari Ramachandran1,2, Husvinee Sundaramurthi1, Manisha Mishra1,2, Siu Kwan Sze 1 , Jiang-Miao Hu 3 , Zhi Wei Feng 1 , Klaus Heese 1,2 1 School of Biological Sciences, College of Science, Nanyang Technological University, 60 Nanyang Drive, Singapore
View Gladys, Bee Yen Ang’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Gladys, Bee Yen has 4 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Gladys, Bee Yen’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Husvinee Sundaramurthi Irish Research Council (Enterprise Partnership Scheme) Postdoctoral Researcher at University College Dublin
Umamaheswari Ramachandran, Arulmani Manavalan, Husvinee Sundaramurthi, Siu Kwan Sze, Zhi Wei Feng, Jiang-Miao Hu and Klaus Heese, Tianma modulates proteins with various neuro-regenerative modalities in differentiated human neuronal SH-SY5Y cells, Neurochemistry International, 60, 8, (827), (2012).
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Prize Winner. These are addressing (i) the psychosocial and spiritual concerns of individuals with terminal cancer, with Dr. Simon Dunne, Prof Pamela Gallagher and Ph.D. candidate Lucy Hayden in Dublin City University School of Psychology, (ii) and Uveal Melanoma Research with Prof Breandan Kennedy’s group, namely Dr. Husvinee Sundaramurthi (postdoctoral award) and Marzia Pendino (postgraduate award) in University College Dublin. Arulmani Manavalan, 1, 2 Umamaheswari Ramachandran, 1, 2 Husvinee Sundaramurthi, 1 Manisha Mishra, 1, 2 Siu Kwan Sze, 1 Jiang-Miao Hu, 3 Zhi Wei Feng, 1 and Klaus Heese 1, 2 Arulmani Manavalan 1 School of Biological Sciences, College of Science, Nanyang Technological University, 60 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637551, Singapore 2.20pm Dr Husvinee Sundaramurthi, University College Dublin, Ireland “Tubastatin A restores visual function and had increased neuroprotective efficacy in models of retinal degeneration” Also pictured are Dr Catríona Dowling (RCSI) who was awarded the prize for Best Oral Presentation and Dr Husvinee Sundaramurthi (UCD Conway Institute) who won the award for Best Poster. Read more John David Kehoe awarded BPS Prize for Clinical Pharmacology & the Dr Henry Hutchinson Stewart Medical Scholarship in Pharmacology Umamaheswari Ramachandrana,b, Arulmani Manavalana,b, Husvinee Sundaramurthia, Siu Kwan Szea, Zhi Wei Fenga, Jiang-Miao Huc, Klaus Heesea,b,⇑ a School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, 60 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637551, Singapore Umamaheswari Ramachandran, Arulmani Manavalan, Husvinee Sundaramurthi, Siu Kwan Sze, Zhi Wei Feng, Jiang-Miao Hu, Klaus Heese.
Husvinee Sundaramurthi, Nate Benner, Morven Cameron, Dorota L Stankowska, Hiroki Mieno, Kore Chan, Anmar Abdul-Rahman.
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2012. Manavalan, A., Ramachandran, U., Sundaramurthi, 24 Mar 2007 Arulmani Manavalan, Husvinee Sundaramurthi, Siu Kwan Sze, Zhi Wei Husvinee Sundaramurthi, Arulmani Manavalan, Umamaheswari View Husvinee Sundaramurthi’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Husvinee has 2 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Husvinee’s connections and jobs at similar companies.
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Husvinee recently completed her PhD at the National University of Singapore. Third TOPMed10 fellow starts in UCD 01 November, 2016 View Gladys, Bee Yen Ang’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Gladys, Bee Yen has 4 jobs listed on their profile.
We were also thrilled to see (and hear) the amazing poster presentations from Fiona O’Connell, Lyndey Flanagan, Marzia Pendino, Husvinee Sundaramurthi and Kayleigh Slater.
To read more about their research go to our research project section. IACR Prize Winners. Prize Winner. These are addressing (i) the psychosocial and spiritual concerns of individuals with terminal cancer, with Dr. Simon Dunne, Prof Pamela Gallagher and Ph.D. candidate Lucy Hayden in Dublin City University School of Psychology, (ii) and Uveal Melanoma Research with Prof Breandan Kennedy’s group, namely Dr. Husvinee Sundaramurthi (postdoctoral award) and Marzia Pendino (postgraduate award) in University College Dublin.