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Import express services to your country with a wide range of DHL delivery options: from time-critical guaranteed next day, to less urgent day certain delivery options. Please note that not all services are available in every country. Australia's merchandise exports and imports by all economies, all State and Territories and selected groups by DFAT's Trade Import and Export Classification (TRIEC) at the 1‐, 2‐, 3‐ and 4‐digit levels. 2021-01-21 Se hela listan på abf.gov.au Personal Import. This option allows migrants settling in Australia or expatriate Australian citizens returning permanently to Australia after a long period overseas, to bring their personal vehicle with them as long as it has been owned for the qualifying 12 month period. Read more . Australian Plated Motorcycles I have sent them the VIN numbers for the vespas as from reserch i have worked out it should be VBC1T.