Instruktion A B 1 2 SÅ HÄR KAN EN KALKYL GÖRAS 3 4 Läs


Säkerhetsdatablad - Alfa Laval

H351. Misstänks kunna orsaka cancer. hazards: Not applicable. Särskilda försiktighetsåtgärder. Inga kända. H351 Misstänks kunna orsaka cancer.

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Substances H351 bromopolystyren. 88497-56-. 7. ≤0,0435 %. (styren). 100-42-5.

309-00-2 Carc. 2.


For all categories, the route of exposure must be stated if it is conclusively proven that no other routes of exposure H351: Suspected of causing cancer H360: May damage fertility or the unborn child H361: Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child H361d: Suspected of damaging the unborn child H361f: Suspected of damaging fertility H362: May cause harm to breast-fed children H370: Causes damage to organs H371: May cause damage to organs H351 Suspected of causing cancer Carcinogenicity Category 2 Warning H360 May damage fertility or the unborn child Reproductive toxicity Category 1A, 1B Danger H361 Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child Reproductive toxicity Category 2 Warning Hazard Class and Category Code(s) Hazard Statement Code(s) H351 : H351 : STOT RE 2: H373 (other:unknown) H373 : Skin Irrit. 2: H315 : H315 : GHS08 GHS07 Dgr H351: Kankerverwekkendheid, gevarencategorie 2 "Verdacht van het veroorzaken van kanker ." H360: Voortplantingstoxiciteit, gevarencategorie 1A en 1B Hazardous to the aquatic environment, acute hazard: Category 1: Warning: P273: P391: P501 : H401: Toxic to aquatic life: Hazardous to the aquatic environment, acute hazard: Category 2: None: P273: P501 : H402: Harmful to aquatic life: Hazardous to the aquatic environment, acute hazard: Category 3: None: P273: P501 : H410: Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects Health hazards.

H351 hazard

Säkerhetsdatablad - Gleitmo

H351 hazard

1B H351 Suspected of causing cancer Carcinogenicity Category 2 Warning H360 May damage fertility or the unborn child Reproductive toxicity Category 1A, 1B Danger H361 Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child Reproductive toxicity Category 2 Warning Hazard pictograms Signal word Danger Hazard statements H351 Suspected of causing cancer. H360 May damage fertility or the unborn child.

H351 hazard

Suspected of causing cancer. REPRODUCTIVE TOXINS. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINSITRATION (OSHA) GHS Identified below; Global Harmonized System for hazard classification and the exposure potential as illustrated in Figure 1. H330, H351, H360, H361, H362, H372 Vapour <0.5 ppm E Dust - mg/m3 H334, H340, H341 H351 Suspected of causing cancer (state route of exposure if it is conclusively proven that no other routes of exposure cause the hazard) H360 May damage fertility or the unborn child (state specific effect if known)(state route of exposure if h351 Suspected of causing cancer (state route of exposure if it is conclusively proven that no other routes of exposure cause the hazard) Carcinogenicity (chapter 3.6) II. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Classification: Skin Irritant 1 H317 Eye Irritant 2A H319 Respiratory Sens. 1 H334 Carcinogenicity 2 H351 Hazard pictogram: Signal word: Warning Hazard statements: H317 – May cause an allergic skin reaction H319 – Causes eye irritation Hazard OSHA 8 hr TWA DOT EPA Storage Code Chloroform 67‐66‐3 Oral (rat): 695.0 mg/kg Inhalation (rat): 4 h ‐ 47,702 mg/m3 Dermal (rabbit): > 20,000 mg/kg H302 Harmful if swallowed.
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2: H351 : H351 : GHS09 GHS08 Dgr : State/Form: 2: View details: Repr.

H360 (5)May damage fertility or the unborn child. H360F(6)May damage fertility.
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Acute 1: Serious eye damage/eye irritation, Hazard Category 1. Eye Irrit. Misstänks kunna orsaka cancer.

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SundaHus Material data - Rf-Technologies

Carc. 2. H351 Aerosol 1: Flammable aerosols, Hazard Category 1. Press.


Hazard statements are one of the key elements for the labelling of containers under the GHS, along with: an Hazard Class and Category Code(s) Hazard Statement Code(s) Hazard Statement Code(s) Supplementary Hazard Statement Code(s) Pictograms, Signal Word Code(s) Carc. 2: H351 : H351 : GHS09 GHS08 Dgr : State/Form: 2: View details: Repr. 1A: H360 (Fd) H360 (Fd) Lact.

Titaniumdioxid. <1 som irriterande enligt OSHA HCS (Hazard Communication Standard) och EU-  H351 Misstänks kunna orsaka cancer. ~.. Eye Dam. 1 1: Serious eye damage/eye irritation, Hazard Category 1. Eye Irrit. 2: Serious eye  H351.