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898, que permitiu o divórcio pela primeira vez na história italiana moderna. Referendumul Național Italian privind dreptul la divorț a avut loc pe 12 mai 1974.Alegătorii au fost întrebați dacă vor să se abroge o lege guvernamentală adoptată trei ani mai devreme, care permite divorțul, pentru prima dată în istoria modernă italiană. Number 12 of 1994 REFERENDUM ACT, 1994 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE REFERENCE TO THE PEOPLE UNDER ARTICLE 47 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF BILLS CONTAINING PROPOSALS FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION AND FOR THE REFERENCE TO THE PEOPLE UNDER ARTICLE 27 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF OTHER BILLS AND TO PROVIDE FOR MATTERS CONNECTED WITH THE MATTERS AFORESAID. Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1994 Effective: 09/07/20 contents 1 . Authorised by the ACT Parliamentary Counsel—also accessible at .
the referendum. "It is rare to read a book that is entertaining as well as enlightening. Fernando Mendez, Mario Mendez and Vasiliki Triga’s monograph Referendums and the European Union: A Comparative Inquiry is such a book. Thorough, insightful and with details that go far beyond the topic of referendums on European integration, this book is a good introduction to the timely issue of referendums in general. This is a list of referendums related to the European Union, or referendums related to the European Communities, which were predecessors of the European Union.Since 1972, a total of 48 referendums have been held by EU member states, candidate states, and their territories, with several additional referendums held in countries outside of the EU.The referendums have been held most commonly on L'Italia si è schierata: 59,11% no e 40,89% sì. Il Paese ha bocciato la riforma costituzionale e l'idea di stato proposta da Matteo Renzi dalla maggioranza d Italia ( Italia (bantuan · info)), resminya Republik Italia (bahasa Italia: Repubblica Italiana), adalah sebuah negara kesatuan republik parlementer di Eropa Terletak di jantung Laut Mediterania.Italia berbatasan dengan Prancis, Swiss, Austria, Slovenia, San Marino dan Vatikan.Italia mencakup area seluas 301.338 km² (116.347 mi²), dan dipengaruhi oleh iklim sedang dan iklim mediterania. 1 Politika 1.1 Volby 1.2 Referenda 1.3 Vlády 2 IT 2.1 Browsery 3 Sport 3.1 Motorismus 3.2 Hokej 3.3 Fotbal 3.4 Fotbal 4 Ocenění 5 Média 5.1 Pořady Volby do obcí 1994 - KDU-ČSL Volby do NR SR 1994 - HZDS Volby do obcí Slovenska 1994 - [[]] Volby do Sněmovny Reprezentantů 1994 - … Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
The republic vote won 54.3% to 45.7%. Referendum for the Independence of North Italy (Padanian Secession) The Referendum for the Independence of North Italy ended on Thursday the 10th November.
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Dec 4, 2016 A wide majority (59.11%),of Italians said “no” to the draft Constitutional reform proposed by the President of the Council Matteo Renzi Mar 5, 2018 On the one hand, there was Christian Democracy (Democrazia Cristiana, DC), a catch-all party of the political centre and centre-right that Jan 14, 2014 For the past few decades, Italian politics has been marked by the presence of Silvio Berlusconi. As Daniele Albertazzi writes, Berlusconi's Jun 23, 2016 Whichever way Britain votes today, the referendum will be —according to a tally— the 29th such EU plebiscite in the 43 years A referendum, in the Italian legal system is a request directed to the whole electorate to express their view on a determined question. It is the main instrument of This is a gross error. For the first time in the history of the Italian Republic a constitutional bill, the origin of which was a popular initiative promoted by the European Aug 20, 2019 It became a fractious alliance.
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Índice. Información general. Archivio Lista Pannella Riformatori. Bandinelli Angiolo - 5 marzo 1994.
I confermativi (o non abrogativi) solo 4, a partire da quello del 1946, uno consultivo del 1989 per il mandato
Referendum: quanti tipi in Italia? Quello abrogativo . È l’articolo 75 della Costituzione a definire le caratteristiche del referendum abrogativo in Italia. Questo tipo di referendum popolare ha lo scopo di abrogare in modo totale o parziale una legge o un atto avente valore di legge. Le 3 Juin 1990 en Italie On a demandé aux citoyens de voter pour trois référendum promu par Parti radical, de Verdi, de Parti communiste italien, de démocratie prolétaire, de gauche indépendant, de Ligue italienne pour la protection des oiseaux, de Legambiente et (pour seulement deux questions sur chasse) de Parti socialiste italien d'abroger la chasse loi régissant, supprimer le
La settimana Incom 00015 del 15/06/19462 giugno 1946: risultati del referendum istituzionale.Descrizione sequenze:quotidiani del cinque giugno 1946 ; il mini
Le financement public des partis politiques. Abolition du système financement public des groupes parlementaires. parrainé par radicaux.
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Second Il Ministro di Stato (in svedese statsminister) è il capo del governo svedese. Dal 1809 (anno coalizione centro-liberal-conservatrice-cristiano democratica (1991-1994); Ingvar Elezioni, Legislative 2018 · Europee 2019 · Referendum Primi ministri · Irlanda: Presidenti - Primi ministri · Italia: Presidenti della Repubblica av M DjerfJPierre · Citerat av 4 — I det första valet med de förändrade valreglerna 1994 kom Berlusconi till makten.
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Referendum na Slovensku v roku 1997 bolo druhé referendum na Slovensku, ktoré sa konalo 23.–24. máj 1997 a zaužíval sa preň prívlastok „zmarené“. Referendum sprevádzali spory pred, počas aj po jeho uskutočnení. Bolo neplatné, pretože účasť voličov bola len 9,53% namiesto požadovaných 50% a potom bolo vyhlásené za English: Norwegian European Union membership referendum, 1994 result by provinces.
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Med indus- trialisering skal holdes referendum om man ønsker å fortsette innen det United. Kingdom som landet har vært folkomröstningen 1994 var många svenskar aldrig helt av M Jääskeläinen · 2018 · Citerat av 3 — Kanada. Alankomaat (2015). Islanti. Ruotsi.
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Kuvio 6. Alcohol Tax Act (1471/1994) effective as of 1 July 1994: Transfer to a av M Jääskeläinen · 2020 · Citerat av 3 — Italia. Japani (2015). Kreikka.
Continúa el la liga italiana y lo hace esperan- mer éxito musical. llama Barcelona, nombre suman a los ya Icardi, Perisic vez desde 1994. Bereits 1994 setzte sich bah aktiv für den beitritt ihres landes zur eu in einem referendum ein. Flygskam är dumt och meningslöst ändå är det precis det mp gjort, Italy.