Lista över avsnitt av Babar och Badou äventyr - List -
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When babar and the adventures of badou is coming soon to disney junior Babar est une série télévisée d'animation franco-canadienne en 78 épisodes de 26 minutes, créée d'après le personnage éponyme de Jean de Brunhoff et Laurent de Brunhoff, diffusée au Canada anglophone à partir du 3 janvier 1989 sur le réseau CBC [1], et en français à partir du 4 mars 1989 sur Canal Famille [2] ainsi que sur TFO et rediffusée à partir du 10 octobre 1990 à la Babar i przygody Badou Babar – kanadyjsko - amerykańsko - francuski serial animowany . Serial opowiada o Babarze , młodym słoniku, który stawia czoła wielu wyzwaniom i przeżywa różne przygody, by się przekonać, że można wiele osiągnąć, nigdy się nie poddając. Pada tahun 2010 sebuah serial animasi 3D spin-off yang menjadi sekuel Babar berjudul Babar and the Adventures of Badou ditayangkan di Disney Junior. Serial ini terfokus pada karakter-karakter baru, salah satunya adalah Badou (cucu Babar dan anak lelaki Pom). Pemeran.
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He wears white boxer shorts with little gold crowns on them with red and white A Babar és Badou kalandjai (eredeti cím: Babar and the Adventures of Badou) kanadai–francia televíziós 3D-s számítógépes animációs sorozat, amelyet Mike Fallows rendezett. A forgatókönyvet Mike Fallows írta, a zenéjét Jeff Danna szerezte, a producere Jane Sobol volt. Babar and the Adventures of Badou is a revival and continuation of the Babar television series. It is a 3d series that began in 2010. The first season had 52 episodes, with 2 episodes per half hour slot.
A forgatókönyvet Mike Fallows írta, a zenéjét Jeff Danna szerezte, a producere Jane Sobol volt. A link to an external website Babar and the Adventures of Badou - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia submitted by a fan of Babar and the Adventures of Badou.
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tal. 2010, Drama, Komedi.
Babar und die Abenteuer von Badou (Originaltitel: Babar and the Adventures of Badou) ist eine französisch-kanadische 3D-Zeichentrickserie.Sie wurde 2010 und 2011 in Frankreich und Kanada von den Studios Nelvana Limited, TeamTO und YTV Productions produziert. Babar's Mother is an unnamed elephant that gives birth to Babar. After she is murdered by the hunter he is adopted by Madame. She is Pom, Alexander, Flora and Isabelle's grandmother and Badou's great-grandmother; Babar's close friends and royal court
Lulu – Babar's granddaughter, Badou's cousin. Periwinkle – The town's doctor; Pom's wife, Babar's daughter-in-law and Badou's mother. Crocodylus – Ambassador of the Alligator and Crocodile kingdom. Dilash and Tersh – Crocodylus's nephews, brought over to make him seem more important.
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Professor Rozeekeewhack: A giraffe scientist who is incredibly smart but due to her size, also happens to be very clumsy as she is always banging her head on almost anything. "Ayla": Badou and Babar discover a hidden valley full of green Elephants. 65: 13 "Getting Creative/The Hidden Valley" January 2, 2015 () "Getting Creative": When Crocodylus disfigures Babar's painting of Lady Rataxes, Badou tries to fix it - but only succeeds in making it worse. Babar y las aventuras de Badou es una serie de televisión estadounidense-canadiense-francesa que se transmitió desde el 6 de diciembre de 2012 en la cadena Discovery Kids. La serie actualmente sigue realizando capítulos, pero la dejaron de transmitir en Discovery Kids.
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No. Title Original air date; 1 "Babar's First Step" 2 April 1989 (): This story begins to tell the classic tale of Babar's early life with his mother and all the other elephants in the jungle, and how his life is shattered when a hunter kills his mother and he must cope on his own. Se hela listan på Babar är en fransk-kanadensisk animerad TV-serie, bestående av 78 avsnitt producerade av animationsstudiorna Nelvana och Ellipse Animation i samarbete med TV-kanalen France 3 mellan 1989, 1991 och 2000. Babar e le avventure di Badou (Babar: Les Aventures de Badou) è un cartone animato francese-canadese-statunitense prodotta da Nelvana Limited, Team TO e Disney Junior Originals tra il 2011 e il 2016. La serie debuttò negli Stati Uniti il 14 febbraio 2011 su Disney Junior.
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Stolz und The Backyardigans, Babar, Redwall, Babar and the Adventures of Badou,.
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La serie debuttò negli Stati Uniti il 14 febbraio 2011 su Disney Junior. Se hela listan på Babar är en elefant och huvudfiguren i fransmännen Jean och Laurent de Brunhoffs populära barnböcker. Den första boken om Babar, "L'Histoire de Babar", utkom Babar introduit chez les éléphants une forme très française de civilisation occidentale (entre autres il les fait s'habiller en costume occidental), certains y ayant pu voir une apologie de la colonisation par Jean de Brunhoff [9]. Babar y las aventuras de Badou (2010-2016) - Discovery Kids Otras apariciones [ editar ] En Kids for Character (de 1996), Babar aparece como Mascota, y fue aparecido corto animado donde pasa al personaje aventurero. modifier Babar - Les aventures de Badou (Babar and the Adventures of Badou) est une série télévisée d' animation française - canadienne en 65 épisodes de 11 minutes diffusée entre le 22 novembre 2010 et le 2 janvier 2015 sur YTV .
Dilash is the oldest of the two and is both mean and Badou is Babar 's grandson and Pom 's son. He is currently the Prince of Celesteville under Pom. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This is a complete list of episodes from the original animated television show Babar, which was based on the famous book series for children, Babar the Elephant. The series aired from Sunday, April 2, 1989 to Wednesday, June 5, 1991. Babar: The King of Celesteville. He brought his love of the city back to the great forest and built the beautiful, happy kingdom of Celesteville. However, he is a dedicated ruler and world traveler. Babar is very happy when he picnics at the lake with his family or joining in the antics of his lively children.