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Stockholm Studies in Scandinavian Philology New Series 62

See diagram III. The non-verbal clause type is extra-systemic. These systemic types and the extrasystemic type are summarized as follows: clI-6 = kernel. (cll-4) In = instrumental types i.e. c17-10.

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1. (Grammar) (in some inflected languages) denoting a case of nouns, etc, indicating the agent described by the verb. 2. (Linguistics) (of a speech element) indicating agency: '-er' in 'worker' is an agentive suffix. n.

15:58. 0:00 / 15:58. Live.

Hälsa och välfärd - Högskolan Dalarna

the agentive case. Voice may also vary within a verb phrase containing a modal, just as in a verb phrase containing a more agentive verb such as proovima 'try' in.

Agentive and instrumental subject

A corpus-based contrastive study of the passive and - GUPEA

Agentive and instrumental subject

Examples: 1. hu& kerIkapu& 2u&. 2.

Agentive and instrumental subject

(cll-4) In = instrumental types i.e. c17-10. (c17-10) Ag = agentive-instrumental … One of these sets is labeled instrumental, the other is called agentive. In the agentive mode, the computer is anthropomorphized. Designed as a tutor, taskmaster or drillmaster, the computer offers a decontextualized language object for the learner to manipulate. Subject: Summary: Instrument Subjects I recently posted a query as to why certain verbs in English and other languages permitted agentive verbs to have instruments as subjects, while other agentive verbs did not, and moreover, why languages differed as to which verbs permitted this substitution. Instrumental and agentive uses of the computer by Françoise Herrmann, unknown edition, This panel investigates the agentive capacities of mediating artifacts in varied cultural and linguistic contexts.
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Semantic/thematic roles (agent, patient) are different from grammatical roles (subject or object). 11  the subject of an intransitive clause; and the object of a transitive clause Syncretism between the agentive and instrumental (and sometimes the ablative) is.

Instrument: object of “with” PP. Beneficiary: object of “for” PP. Apr 24, 2011 An objective. (a) like a subject, is a noun phrase or clause with nominal function ( 11.13 ff) Agentive and instrumental subject. Apart from its  In English, the suffix -er is used to form agent and instrument nouns: in -in can be the subject or object of a transitive or intransitive sentence,  Nov 17, 2020 Choose from the following set: AGENT, PATIENT, EXPERIENCER, THEME, RECIPIENT, SOURCE, GOAL, PATH, INSTRUMENT, LOCATION,  It may also have the role of INSTRUMENT; that is, the entity (generally inanimate) which an agent uses to perform an action or instigate a process: • A stone broke  that -eris a productive morpheme for both agentive and instrumental uses (cf.
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international law. One who is employed by a prince to manage his private affairs, or, those of his subjects in his name, near a foreign, government. Wolff, (agentive) and -torium (instrumental). subject is no longer an oblique instrumental agent, but an ergatively marked grammatical subject.

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A corpus-based contrastive study of the passive and - GUPEA

The ergative function occurs with the subject, agent or causer of transitive verbs, the agent of "mental" and "verbal" actions and the perceiver of a sensation. Ablative case. The ablative case is always suffixed with ནས་ . It marks direction away from the noun. agentival.

Hälsa och välfärd - Högskolan Dalarna

Designed as a tutor, taskmaster or drillmaster, the computer offers a decontextualized language object for the learner to manipulate. Instrumental and agentive uses of the computer : their role in learning French as a foreign language subject-referent without the property indicated by the predicate (the predicate property is there at the moment when the subject-entity is there) . Arrangements SP and, e.g., SVO (last accent in non-final position) , also associated with non-agentive subjects, have in common the fact that they refer to a given time: the accent The agentive is used for ergative and instrumental functions. The ergative function occurs with the subject, agent or causer of transitive verbs, the agent of "mental" and "verbal" actions and the perceiver of a sensation. Ablative case.

The ergative function occurs with the subject, agent or causer of transitive verbs, the agent of "mental" and "verbal" actions and the perceiver of a sensation. Ablative case. The ablative case is always suffixed with ནས་ . It marks direction away from the noun. agentival. adj.